Engagement and co-creation
We exist in an interconnected world and our natural environment is no different. As you develop your business case and project you will need to consider what benefits can be achieved by taking a partnership approach. As so many of our pressing problems are complex and have impacts across physical and administrative boundaries; and as so many of our solutions can help address a multitude of issues, looking for ways in which you can build partnerships to address these and deliver multiple benefits is the best way forwards.
Building a partnerships or collaboration can take longer than doing things alone, particularly if this is how you have traditionally operated, and it may mean compromising on your outcomes. But it opens up many more sources of funding, resources and ideas and can help manage risks by diversifying the range of outcomes and lessening the impact any one single shock can have. It also means that by delivering multiple benefits for both the environment and society you will have a wider field of stakeholder from which to appeal for support from, as you are meeting a greater number of needs, which will make your case even stronger.
As the image shows, the project process should always begin with building partnerships and should have engagement and co-creation as constants throughout your work.