Town and Country Planning Specialists

IWMF Toolkit

Maximising the potential of planning policy for water

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Why is the project relevant to you?

The relationship between local plan policies, their use, and the impact on the four water disciplines (water quality/environment, water resources, flood risk and wastewater) is complex and not well understood. You have a key role in maximising the potential of planning policy for water.

Key messages for Town and Country Planning Specialists

Water is a strategic matter. This should be amplified. For example, this would result in local plans including policies that specifically address potential pressures associated with local water resources and wastewater capacity. There may be opportunities through the local plan process to mitigate risks identified.


Do not underestimate the value of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and local plan process with regards to successfully planning for water. For example water supply and wastewater infrastructure should be phased in line with water supply and wastewater infrastructure, accounting for risks to delivery timescales, so as to avoid or minimise potential environmental harm.


Ensure your processes do not miss an opportunity to gather relevant data about water upfront. If required be proactive and ask for help to identify water-related issues and what water-related evidence-base is required both to develop and implement relevant policies.


Do not overlook the richness of qualitative data you can obtain through monitoring and evaluation of water-focused policies and development proposals.


Your local plan should include strongly worded objectives, policy, or a series of multifunctional policies, for promoting the multiple benefits of the water environment, and adopt and integrated approach to water management. This would contribute to the better protection and enhancement of the water quality and the water environment and support the effective implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain requirements.


Your evidence-base and data from other strategic plans should enable you to adopt more stringent standards.


Maximising the potential of planning policy for water

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