Land managers

IWMF Toolkit

Rethinking Water Planning

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Why is the project relevant to you?

The four statutory water plans are keystones in the state of our water environments. Another keystone is the management of our land for Agriculture or other purposes. This project has focused on the statutory planning aspects however a potential future point of integrating is the bringing in if the land management schemes.

Key messages for Land managers

The participatory systems mapping element of the case studies shows the complexity of the water system and provided a very useful way of working with stakeholders to understand complex systems and explain the wider impacts of landscape changes.


Some of the identified options with the statutory plans will include the change of land management practices. The bring together of these plans should make it easier for land managers to be aware of these investment needs/potential measures. In further iterations there is like to be a need to involve land managers in the process to build more detailed understandings of environment and to ground truth the deliverability of certain  measures.


Rethinking Water Planning

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