Developers & Infrastructure

IWMF Toolkit

Maximising the potential of planning policy for water

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Why is the project relevant to you?

The area between Oxford and Cambridge is one of the most water stressed areas of the country. Key challenges include:

  • Significant water supply pressures with multiple water bodies failing flow targets during low flows
  • Water resources are of critical importance to agriculture
  • There are areas at risk of flooding
  • There are also some concerns over water quality

There is no sustainable development proposals without holistic consideration of water.

Key messages for Developers & Infrastructure

You should be ready to demonstrate a higher focus on integrated water management in support of your development proposals. Early engagement with Planning Authorities and other statutory consultees is helpful.


You are the key to ensuring your development proposals better protect and enhance water quality and the water environment and support the effective implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain requirements. This would help address the challenges of development related ecological decline, including the risk relating to short-term impacts on ecosystem.


Environmental protection and enhancement is desirable as it unlocks opportunities for a greener future. The use of water sensitive design features facilitate circular water management and contribute to a better water environment.


Maximising the potential of planning policy for water

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