
IWMF Toolkit

Maximising the potential of planning policy for water

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Why is the project relevant to you?

We explored how water is currently considered within policy and if local planning policy could better support positive outcomes for the water system. We have identified further work to realise Defra's ambition relating to water. That is to "join-up management of the water system" and "manage the water system in a holistic way". That work revolves around evidence-base, influencing, early and continuous engagement and strategic planning and coordination.

Key messages for Defra

It should be made clearer how strategic water plans, including the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and associated evidence-base can be utilised in local plan making / strategic place-base making. The data should be standardised, easy to access, interpret and use.


Water is a strategic matter. This should be amplified. This requires greater co-ordination including that of evidence-base studies and engagement. For example: Water Cycle Studies, or any equivalent water evidence study, should be made a mandatory part of a Local Plan’s evidence base. This requirement would be equivalent to the existing obligation for Local Planning Authorities to produce, as a minimum, a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.


The process and interactions to draft strategic plans are as important as the plans themselves.


You are the key to unlocking potential by developing bespoke learning courses, updating guidance and setting key requirements in support of achieving better outcomes for water. For example: the role of water related stakeholders should be reviewed with regards to the collection and management of water-related data. This would introduce greater capacity for monitoring water related trends.


Maximising the potential of planning policy for water

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